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What is Preventive Maintenance?    

The Preventive Maintenance is the set of actions to advance the maintenance of equipment and software in ideal operating conditions and safety, preventing as much as possible, the occurrence of faults or failures.

Planned Periodic Preventive Maintenance    

- Periodic inspections or visits to critical equipment, resulting in interventions when the inspection so the need arises;
- Revisions consist of general periodic scheduled maintenance stop it and done with the installation.

Conditional Preventive Maintenance    

Place, depending on the state of the equipment, done continuously or periodically via checks operating variables (vibration, temperature, state of the lubricating oil, and so on).

Benefits of the Preventive Maintenance Program    

- Systems and equipment are kept under permanent operating and safety, ensuring their efficient use, reducing the number of corrective maintenance, as well as the risk of accidents;
- Better planning of expenditure, with reduced maintenance costs derived extra remedial sporadic.

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