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What is Corrective Maintenance?

Corrective Maintenance consists on a set of coordinated actions that seek to quickly restore the equipaments and softwares to their ideal function e safety status, whenever malfunctions or faults may occur.

Corrective Maintenance    

DIAS & DINIS provides, upon request, Corrective Maintenance wich assures a fast response with the apropriate means to quicly solve the costumer's system problem.

Corrective Maintenance Kit
Preventive Maintenance    

So that the costumer may never loose not even an extra second of productivity in his business DIAS & DINIS provides the best and most appropriate solution: the Preventive Maintenance Plan wich is very usefull when preventing system halts and fatal malfunctions, before they happen, and thus avoiding the consequent losses of produtivity and throughput wich are harmfull to any business area.

Corrective Maintenance
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