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DIAS & DINIS - Imagiology Solutions, Ltd. brings evolution into this segment of the market in the field of bone densitometry research, trough DMS Apelem, with very competitive prices and high quality systems tweaked for the best possible performance. DMS Apelem continues it's research in this field in order to provide us with the best possible medical image and keep us allways one step ahead.

DMS Lexxos DR

The Stratos dR combines the best in technology and performance, making it the optimal solution for bone densitometry examinations.

The 2D-Fan Beam boasts a detector with 256 elements and provides the highest image resolution for an optimal diagnosis!

Exams can be performed in only 30 seconds per site, making the Stratos dR one of the most powerful solutions available.

Main features:
- Fast exam times: 30 seconds
- Excellent image quality
- Complete solution: multi-site exams and whole body
- DVA: Digital Vertebral Assessment – lateral image of the spine
- Morphometric capabilities to define the fracture risk (ex: Hip Structural Analysis, Frax)
- Multi-report provides the option of having up to 4 exams printed on one succinct page
- Automatic ROI (Region of Interest) selection
- Easy-to-use software platform
- Fully DICOM compatible

View DMS' STRATOS DR brochure [pdf]



The CHALLENGER Envision combines DMS' proven DXA (Dual energy X-ray Absorptiometry) technology with a newly developed software platform to provide BDM practitioners with a powerfull and affordable solution. Manufactured in an ISO Factory, the CHALLENGER Envision offers the precision and reliability necessary in today's fast paced medical environment. Diagnosing patients with osteoporosis, evaluating fracture risk and puttinginto place an efficient patient follow up system has never been so user-friendly and convenient, thanks to the new Envision software platform.
Available versions: CHALLENGER Envision standard and CHALLENGER Envision compact.

A few features:
X-ray System:
- Continous Source at 86kV;
- Permanent dual energy x-ray beam;
- Dual Absortiometry X-ray (DXA);
- Pencil beam with X and Y kinematics;

Callibration and Quality Control:
- Automated callibration system;
- Automatic control and trend plotting of internal calibration between each scan;

Software for Windows XP Professional OS:
- Automatic and manual selection of Region Of Interest (ROI);
- Automatic mineral density calculation;
- Total-Hip;
- In-Row Scan;
- Multi-Report;
- Intelli-Scan;
- Color image display;
- Highly detailed reports;
- High quality imaging;
- Multiple results comparison;
- Personalized multiple reference population;
- Telemaintenance software (optional), network connection required;
- Morphometric tools;
- DICOM Conectivity: DICOM Push n Print, DICOM Store, DICOM Worklist(optional), ...;
- Envision "user-friendly" Interface;
- Touch screen (optional);
- NHAMES III Database;
- Powerfull database management tools;
- Capable of conecting with multiple Workstations;
- PDA compatible;
- CD storage;

View DMS' CHALLENGER Envision brochure [pdf]


DMS Stratos

The STRATOS is the complete DXA solution for bone health specialists seeking a powerful and fast, yet cost-effective tool for the diagnosis and follow-up of osteoporosis.
The STRATOS features all the very best features from DMS’ bone densitometry range. From the design, to the technology, to the user interface, the STRATOS enhances practitioners work while making it easier at the same time.

Main features:
- Fast exam times: 60 seconds!;
- Complete solution: multi-site exams and whole body;
- DVA: Digital Vertebral Assessment – lateral image of the spine;
- Morphometric capabilities to define the fracture risk (ex: Hip Structure Analysis);
- Multi-report for comparison purposes;
- Automatic ROI (Region of Interest) selection;
- Easy-to-use software platform;
- Fully DICOM compatible.

View DMS' STRATOS brochure [pdf]


* DMS Ubis 5000 XP

The Ubis 5000 is the first ultrasound imaging system that provided an accurate image of the calcaneum, making it the obvious choice for the screening and the follow-up of osteoporosis. The image makes it possible to verify the position of the foot, ensuring a precise accurate exam every time. The image is also what makes the Ubis 5000 the most reproducible system of its kind.

The newest version of the Ubis 5000 features a software interface compatible with Windows XP and makes data management possible with a few simple clicks of a button.

Main features:
- Image of the ROI (Region of Interest) available
- Automatic repositioning of the ROI for optimal reproducibility
- Data base designed to provide best patient follow-up
- Comprehensive diagnostic data and color print-out reports

View DMS' Ubis 5000 XP brochure [pdf]


* Made by DMS Apelem

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