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Dual Slice CT Scanners
Siemens SOMATOM Volume series
SOMATOM Volume Access*

SOMATOM Volume Access

- A very flexible System with the ability to be configured for various clinical applications.
Other versions available: SOMATOM Volume Zoom (4 Slice CT System).

- Fast and compact installation.

View manufacturer brochure [pdf]

Siemens SOMATOM Emotion series
SOMATOM Emotion Duo*

SOMATOM Emotion CT System is a high quality System that assures profitable business with proven results. Thanks to it's high reliability, low cost and high productivity, is a capital gain on the costumer investment.

SOMATOM Emotion Series features:
- CT system with proven results;
- Easy installation: Ideally it requires about 12 hours to be installed;
- Compact installation: It requires only 18.5 m2.
- A very flexible System with the ability to be configured for various clinical applications.
Versions available: Emotion, Emotion Duo, Emotion 6, Emotion 16.

View manufacturer brochure [pdf]

Eslcint SeleCT SP
Mx8000 Dual**

Philips Mx8000 Dual is a proved high quality flexible, reliable, productivity-driven CT Scanner with features designed to automate clinical tasks. 0.42 second rotation time enables the clinician to cover the entire heart in 3 seconds.
Computer chip technologies developed by Philips, transfer data from the detector to the reconstruction workstation at gigabit-per-second rate.
It eliminates noise introduced by conventional analog electronics, lowering dose requirements and improving overall image quality.
Cobra, cone beam reconstruction algorithm, will avoid and/or correct for artifacts present in reconstruction by reducing pixel to noise ratio resulting in superior image quality.
Sub-millimeter isotropic imaging allows for high-resolution imaging and makes advanced clinical applications routine.

- CT multislice system with proven performance;
- Clinical Versatility derived from a wide range of multislice scanning techniques;
- 60 sec continous Spiral "scan" with no stops;
- High Performance Detector Array;
- 48kW X-Ray Generator Standard;
- DICOM 3.0;
- Silicon Graphics O2 with Irix based OS multi-tasking RISC Workstation ;
- Windows like Graphical User Interface.

View manufacturer brochure [pdf]

* Made by SIEMENS (Refurbished system)
** Made by PHILIPS (Refurbished system)
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